Together we create safety in traffic
Saphe is a Danish technology company that develops intelligent traffic systems that make a difference and reduce the number of traffic-related accidents.
Saphe was founded in 2015 and today has over 40 employees. Since its inception, 1,800,000 traffic alarms have been sold.
In fact, a Saphe traffic alarm is installed in 1 out of 4 cars in Denmark. The many sold units mean that we can offer an enormous network of users and thus the best platform for sharing traffic data.
Mission & Vision
Our mission is simple yet ambitious: We aim to create safety in traffic. We do this by helping drivers communicate with each other through the sharing of traffic data. The concept of safety encompasses a broad scope in this context:
- Safety in reaching your destination securely. Avoiding accidents.
- Safety in arriving on time. Avoiding unnecessary time in traffic.
- Safety regarding your finances. Avoiding fines.
For our mission to succeed, it is essential to have a strong community. Therefore, our vision is: We want to be the preferred traffic community. By having a strong community, we can ensure the best conditions for increased safety in traffic.

Freddy Sørensen, CEO & Founder, Tlf.: +45 60 62 25 57

Inger-Marie Sørensen, Partner & HR Manager, Tlf.: +45 25 85 08 22

Kasper Jacobsen, CFO, Tlf.: +45 42 90 33 11

Kenneth Christensen, CSO, kenneth@saphe.dk

Anders Stendahl, CMO, anders@saphe.dk

Søren Visti Lassen, CTO, soren@saphe.dk

Michael Panvig, Customer Service Manager

Rasmus Bang Olesen, Retention Manager

Aske Pedersen, Paid Social Specialist

Aksel Brandstrup, Graphic Designer

Anne Martine Andersen, Marketing Consultant

Maria-Louise Solvang, Marketing Consultant

Mia Biltoft - Project Coordinator

Morten Bengtsen, Senior Digital Marketing Consultant

Mads Barington - Brand Designer

Mads Damgaard, Controller
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